
Vampire!Romania x Reader [Chapter 1]

Deviation Actions

LilMissRaffy's avatar

Literature Text

“Ugh!”  You cry as you kick the side of the small car in frustration. It had run out of gas, leaving you stranded on the side of a countryside road. The last rays of sun had long since dipped beyond the horizon an hour ago, leaving you in the dark, eerily silent night. Looking around you shivered as you rubbed your arms in a vain attempt to gain warmth. You also couldn’t see too far due to a light fog that had begun to roll in not too long ago. Pulling out your mobile phone you punch in the numbers for a tow truck, it was going to cost you but you could have sworn you had enough gas to have made the distance. Either the road had gotten longer, or you had missed your destination a while back. Sighing you wait patiently as your phone made its rings, letting you know it was trying to connect to the other end, however it quickly stopped and beeped. Looking at your phone in a confused manner you notice in the top left of the screen that it had no connection whatsoever. You groan in displeasure “Just great...” before slamming your phone closed and shoving it back into your pocket. You look around hoping that a car would pass sooner or later, but the chances of that on such a desolate road was unlikely, and it didn’t take too long for you to realise that.

Rubbing the back of your head you open the car door and grab your messenger styled bag and put it on before closing the car door and locking it. Looking back at the two ways the road went you remembered that on your way you had seen a fairly large home not too far back. You decided that standing around wasn’t going to help and so you decided to start walking in the opposite direction to which your car faced, keeping a lookout for the house you had spotted earlier on.

It had been a long 15 minutes as you kept trudging on, looking to your left hoping, wishing, praying that you will be able to find shelter for the night. You kept instinctively rubbing your arms for warmth, as the chilly air began to seep in between the very fabric of your clothing, leaving you colder and colder by the minute. Just as you were beginning to consider turning around and taking shelter in your car you saw a faint light in the distance. ‘Did it belong to the house?’ you wondered to yourself before getting off the side of the road to head towards its source where you soon came face to face with the large magnificent mansion. A huge wave of relief swept over you in that instant, but it wasn’t over yet, the question was; was anybody at home? Walking up the steps that led to the large doorway you hesitantly reach out for the metal ring used for knocking and held it firm. You raised it slightly before knocking it against the door a few times, the hollow knocking sound echoing through the dark night.

Getting no response you frown before raising your hand to knock again, but just as your hand was about to touch the metal ring, it moved further back along with the door which seemed to be opening. Pulling your hand quickly back you look at the open door, no one was there. Strange. Peering in you looked left and right for any sign of the person who had opened up for you but only to find an empty entrance hall. Tilting your head in confusion you stand outside the doorway, not quite sure if you should take it as an invitation. “Hello?... is anybody home?” You called out into the hall to which only faint echoes of your own voice rung back.

Taking a few steps in you hear the dreaded noise of the door closing and locking behind you, which in turn caused you to jump in shock. “Oh no...” Turning back to the door you try to yank it open, however only to find it was somehow locked from the outside, just as you had dreaded. Turning back around you press your back against the door, fear quickly seeping in and replacing any logic you had left in your mind. “S-surely it’s just a coincidence... yeah... J-Just a coincidence that perhaps their door’s lock isn’t f-functioning correctly...?” you chuckle half heartedly as you attempted to comfort yourself. Looking around you notice that a lamp over by the set of couches to your right was on a small table, and was what you presumed to be the light that guided you here in the first place. Peering over your shoulder in a paranoid manner you walk over to the source of the light and look around for signs of anyone. “H-Hello?” You stammered into the nothingness before shrinking into your shoulders warily.

You had the strange feeling that you were being watched. Not the kind a paranoid person felt, the kind that felt genuine. What made you think someone was watching you, you weren’t quite sure. But yet you trudged on around the rooms of the first floor, slowly creeping around the darkness being cautious of any objects that may lie unknowingly in your path. Trying not to stray too far from the lamps lonely light, you manage to get an understanding of a quarter of what the hall looked like. Looking at the furniture you could tell it was cared for, and used often enough to make the home classified as ‘occupied’.
You now knew that someone did indeed live here.

The feeling of you being watched only intensified as the night went on, the darkness just beyond the lights edge creating shifting shapes in the shadows to confuse and fill your mind with fear and paranoia. Daring not to remove your eyes from looking into the darkness you could feel as your attempts to shift your eyes even a bit, end in utter failure as you stood frozen with creeping fear tickling the back of your neck and travelling down your spine in icy hair raising chills. Suddenly a clicking noise comes from behind you and the darkness rushes in all around you in a heartbeat. The lamp just behind you had been turned off-

Daring not to turn around, to not even breathe, your eyes widen as your hands clench and quickly become sweaty. The only source of light that could keep the darkness from completely encasing the room was the moons light, seeping in ever so faintly through the curtains, tainting the room in a dim blue light. That was when a new sensation began tingling within the tips of your fingers to your neck and into your gut, it was faint, but like the calm before the storm this sensation could only be described as the hunter and the hunted.

The silence was gripping, holding firm till slowly a ring formed in your ears from the absolute silence. Clutching your one ear instinctively, it was as if you set off a trigger, for a solid object pressed itself against your back, its frail seeming arms wrapping firmly around you in a strong hug. The shock of the sudden contact made you jump and let out a squeak which you quickly swallowed back, as the figure behind made a long hushing sound into your ear. The sensation deep within you began to stir and fidget within you at this action, a heat beginning to form inside your throat and fingers, something about this figure was different, it was as if it wasn’t. . . as if it wasn’t human.

Finally breaking from your trance like state you squirm and kick till you free yourself from the figures grip. Once out of his reach you turn, breathing heavily, only to see the powerful red eyes shining with bloodlust right back at you. The stirring and fidgeting became overwhelming in your fingers and body by now; it was as if the eyes fully awoke the restless sensation deep within your soul now. Instead of feeling compelled to bolt, the strange sensation washed over you and numbed your mind if only for a few moments, allowing the figure to step closer to you, his facial features becoming clearer as he passed through the dim moonlight. As he slowly walked towards you, his red gleaming eyes fixated on you, his silver short hair trailing behind along with a long flowing red ribbon which came from the miniature hat that sat atop his head.

Stopping right before your face you could clearly see the devious smile plastered on his innocently seeming expression. Any other person would’ve run, or at least try to scream by now, but for some strange reason you didn’t feel the need to. Any fear that had bubbled up in your heart and body had been completely numbed by now, leaving you unable to act upon that fear. Your focus on the man before you began to blur till all that was left was your blank stare. The young man stopped upon noticing your expression, your actions had changed. Fear was no longer controlling your decisions, and he had noticed. Immediately the hunger in his eyes dissipated, an expression of shock intermingled with concern replacing the hungry stare.
You weren’t just food to him anymore.

Taking a glance to the window he scowled at the small rays of sunlight peeking over the horizon. Looking back towards you he focused his eyes onto yours, before they began to shine a dim hue of purple, the last thing you could recall before succumbing to a much needed slumber.  


Fluttering your eyes open you squint at the bright streams of light coming through some dark curtains to your right. Staying as you were on the bed, you simply took the time to try and recall what had happened. You were driving to the neighbouring city to visit an old friend when you had ran out of gas, and because of that you had wandered in search of the large house you saw earlier for shelter. That was when it hit you, the strange man whom had held you from behind and the pure hunger that was in his unnaturally red eyes. Sitting up really quickly you held a hand to your head as waves of dizziness hit you from trying to get up too quickly. Trying to look around anyways in your haste you noticed you were in one of the guest rooms, a small table and chair opposite the room, a cupboard, window, and a door, everything that made a room a room basically. Glancing down you noticed your coat and shoes had been removed but your shirt and pants still as they were before. A little confused you looked over to the bedside table where you bag neatly lay. Bending over you pick it up and open it, before digging around in search of your phone. You rummaged over and over in search of your mobile but it wasn’t there.

Climbing out the bed in a hurry you head over to the cupboard and open it, your eyes scanning left and right for your coat. The pattern in how you found your belongings suggested you may find it in there. Spotting it you pick it up and dive your hands into the pockets in search for your mobile, but alas it was not there. Gripping the coat tightly you simply stare out the window as you try to gather your thoughts on the situation. Kidnapping? Not likely, you walked into the house of your own accord. Stalker? . . . perhaps? Whoever it was that was keeping you here, you knew for sure they had some strange tendencies.

Putting the coat back on, you walk around the bed and grab your bag. You weren’t going to just sit around and let your mind play games on you. Whatever happened the previous night was not normal, and you just wanted to get out before the worst could make its way into your mind. Hurrying out the room, you find yourself in a lone corridor filled with other doors, a few smaller tables outside some of the doors, some with vases, others without. The hall had a long red carpet adorned with gold and dark red patternings. Looking around in wonder you couldn’t help but appreciate the beauty and careful detail that went into the decor of this home.

Shaking your head as if to scold yourself you decide to head down to the right. Starting off with a slow run, you stop when you come to a balcony inside the entrance hall, it had two flights of stairs on each end of the balcony leading down into the entrance hall. You breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of the entrance. Making a quick dash down the stairs you stop just at the third last step. Something felt off to you, it was either the pang of leaving, or the feeling you were getting that someone was watching you from the shadows behind the stairs. You of course only suspected the latter. Furrowing your brow as you turn to the side, glancing at the darkness behind the opposite set of stairs you couldn’t describe the feeling you felt at that moment, it was strange, a feeling you wouldn’t think you’d feel in such a situation. Shaking the thoughts on the feeling away you rush on to the door,

-only to realise it was still locked.
...... welp I finally started writing again!
though Im hella slow, and write at the speed of molasses I hope people
can understand if future chapters come really slowly.
I like to keep my chapters at 2,000 words or more to give readers a nice read before waiting for the next chapter.
it always leaves a better aftertaste when a chapter is nice and long~

Anyways, I havent really tried writing creepy like stories before,
so Im not really sure how well I did here.
feedback would be much loved! :'D



Personified Romania(c)Hidekaz Himaruya
the story/writing(c) Lelzzy
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HetaFruitsOuranHp321's avatar
What?! NO. THAT CAN'T BE IT! ;3; I want more.... This is already good.